姓名 | 位次 | 发表论文题目 | 期刊名称 | 论文级别 | 备注 |
孙晓勇 | 通讯作者 | AtCircDB: a tissue-specific database for Arabidopsis circular RNAs | Briefings in Bioinformatics | SCI | 1区,IF:6.87 |
颜君 | 1 | Genome-wide identification, classification, evolutionary analysis and gene expression patterns of the protein kinase gene family in wheat and Aegilops tauschii | Plant Mol Biol | SCI | 2区,IF:3.3559 |
周忠国 | 1 | The mass-preserving and modified-upwind splitting DDM scheme for time-dependent convection–diffusion equations | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | SCI | 2区,IF:1.357 |
孔德洲 | 1 | Coupled best approximation theorems for discontinuous operators in partially ordered Banach spaces | Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications | SCI | 2区,IF:1.34 |
孔德洲 | 1 | Isotonicity of the Metric Projection by Lorentz Cone and Variational Inequalities | Journal of Optimization Theory and Appllications | SCI | 2区,IF:1.289 |
孔德洲 | 1 | Isotonicity of the Metric Projection and Complementarity Problems in Hilbert Spaces | Journal of Optimization Theory and Appllications | SCI | 2区,IF:1.289 |
孙晓勇 | 1 | Integrative analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptomics reveals intuitive splicing mechanism for circular RNA | FEBs Letters | SCI | 3区,IF:3.519 |
孙丰刚 | 1 | An iterative approach for sparse direction-of-arrival estimation in co-prime arrays with off-grid targets | Digital Signal Processing | SCI、EI | 3区,IF:2.3369 |
郭秀梅 | 1 | Collaborative representation with HM-LBP features for palmprint recognition | Machine Vision & Applications | SCI | 3区,IF:2.005 |
吴秋兰 | 1 | Factors acquisition and content estimation of farmland soil organic carbon based upon Internet of Things | Chinese Geographical Science | SCI | 4区,IF:1.154 |
兰鹏 | 1 | Optimal Power Allocation for Bi-directional Full Duplex Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks | IET Communications | SCI、EI | 4区,IF:1.061 |
周忠国 | 1 | ATime Second-OrderMass-Conserved Implicit-Explicit Domain Decomposition Scheme for Solving the Diffusion Equations | Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics | SCI | 4区,IF:0.763 |
孔德洲 | 1 | Isotonicity of the metric projection with applications to variational inequalities and fixed point theory in Banach spaces | Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications | SCI | 4区,IF:0.681 |
厉彦玲 | 1 | OLI与HSI影像融合的土壤盐分反演模型 | 农业工程学报 | EI | |
王鲁 | 通讯作者 | A community detection algorithm based on structural similarity | Earth and Environmental Science | EI | |
杨晓霞 | 1 | A Hybrid Model for soil moisture prediction by using artificial neural networks | Revista de la Facultad de Infenieria | EI | |
张承明 | 1 | Change Analysis of Land Use and Landscape Pattern of a Semi-arid and Arid Watershed in Western China | Boletin Tecnico | EI | |
赵秀艳 | 1 | 基于多属性决策性的农机专业底盘实例推理方法 | 农业机械学报 | EI | |
岳训 | 1 | 探析辩证系统思维范式的理论内涵-基于植物细胞增殖的分子调控机理 | 系统科学学报 | CSSCI | |
李西灿 | 通讯作者 | 土壤水与有机质对高光谱的作用及交互作用规律 | 中国农业科学 | 一级期刊 | |
王汉锋 | 1 | On Topological Spaces With Algebraic Structures | 数学进展 | 一级期刊 |