农大校徽 南管委




孙晓勇通讯作者AtCircDB:   a tissue-specific database for Arabidopsis circular RNAsBriefings   in BioinformaticsSCI1区,IF:6.87
颜君1Genome-wide   identification, classification, evolutionary analysis and gene expression   patterns of the protein kinase gene family in wheat and Aegilops tauschiiPlant   Mol BiolSCI2区,IF:3.3559
周忠国1The   mass-preserving and modified-upwind splitting DDM scheme for time-dependent   convection–diffusion equationsJournal   of Computational and Applied MathematicsSCI2区,IF:1.357
孔德洲1Coupled   best approximation theorems for discontinuous operators in partially ordered   Banach spacesJournal   of Nonlinear Science and ApplicationsSCI2区,IF:1.34
孔德洲1Isotonicity   of the Metric Projection by Lorentz Cone and Variational InequalitiesJournal   of Optimization Theory and AppllicationsSCI2区,IF:1.289
孔德洲1Isotonicity of   the Metric Projection and Complementarity Problems in Hilbert SpacesJournal   of Optimization Theory and AppllicationsSCI2区,IF:1.289
孙晓勇1Integrative analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana   transcriptomics reveals intuitive splicing mechanism for circular RNAFEBs   LettersSCI3区,IF:3.519
孙丰刚1An   iterative approach for sparse direction-of-arrival estimation in co-prime   arrays with off-grid targetsDigital   Signal ProcessingSCI、EI3区,IF:2.3369
郭秀梅1Collaborative   representation with HM-LBP features for palmprint recognitionMachine Vision & ApplicationsSCI3区,IF:2.005
吴秋兰1Factors   acquisition and content estimation of farmland soil organic carbon based upon   Internet of ThingsChinese   Geographical ScienceSCI4区,IF:1.154
兰鹏1Optimal   Power Allocation for Bi-directional Full Duplex Underlay Cognitive Radio   NetworksIET   CommunicationsSCI、EI4区,IF:1.061
周忠国1ATime   Second-OrderMass-Conserved Implicit-Explicit Domain Decomposition Scheme for   Solving the
     Diffusion Equations
Advances   in Applied Mathematics and MechanicsSCI4区,IF:0.763
孔德洲1Isotonicity   of the metric projection with applications to variational inequalities and   fixed point theory in Banach spacesJournal   of Fixed Point Theory and ApplicationsSCI4区,IF:0.681
王鲁通讯作者A   community detection algorithm based on structural similarityEarth   and Environmental ScienceEI
杨晓霞1A   Hybrid Model for soil moisture prediction by using artificial neural networksRevista   de la Facultad de InfenieriaEI
张承明1Change   Analysis of Land Use and Landscape Pattern of a Semi-arid and Arid Watershed   in Western ChinaBoletin   TecnicoEI
王汉锋1On   Topological Spaces With Algebraic Structures数学进展一级期刊
